Where are you from? What do you do? What is you background? Uh, I see, but where is your accent from? Interesting, were you born there?
Sohail Dahdal was actually asked these questions in party last week, all by the same person, and in the same sequence! This situation poses a dilemma.
Sohail’s Dilemma (as posted on
Country of Origin: Palestine (now called Israel as opposed to when my parents left it)
Country of Birth: Libya (not that I ever lived there, we left when I was too young to remember)
Nationality: Australian, but I also feel Palestinian, and let’s forget the whole issue around Arab nationalism, that's another story
Original Nationality: I was holding a Jordanian passport, but was considered Palestinian by Jordanians (again refer to Arab nationalism issues). Confusing?
1st Language: None (but I'm thinking about mastering Spanish and making it my first language)
2nd Language: Arabic (with an Australian accent), English (with an Arabic accent)
Ethnicity: Of Middle Eastern Appearance (although a taxi driver told me last night that I look Italian or of Mediterranean Appearance, when I asked him, why not Middle Eastern he said I smile too much to be Middle Eastern!)
Culture: Hmm, this is a tough one: I like poetry, the desert, mountains, and the moon, I read lots, and love soccer too, I like Salsa... and the beach
Religion: Christian (not really practicing, and most people think I'm Muslim being of Arabic background)
Sexuality: Heterosexual, but being gentle, soft spoken and considering, people always think I'm gay, and sometime I'm called Metrosexual, again having a hairy chest (and not interested in shaving it) I might not entirely qualify to be Metro, is there such a things as gentle manly man?
Confused? Me too.
I'm beyond confused, I'm fed up, I want to celebrate who I am without having to define exactly that I belong to this group or the other, I think the tribal mentality is really, really hard to sustain these days. Having said that, and knowing very well that we are heading to an era of even more emphasis on "US" and them "Them", I propose that if you (the receiver of this email) feel fed up too, and can't think of one single group that represents "YOU" wholly then join me in calling for a PLU "People Like Us".
This will be (Yes, yet another group) all of us that don't feel like we simply can be grouped as this or that, we are the fringes, we are not the war on terror, nor are we the terrorist, we are not the masses, nor we are the elite, we don't just spend the day watching footy, nor do we live in the library. We don't work 9-5 same job for ever, nor do we live in a commune, smoking hash, We are simply PLUs.